

Norbert Wagner



22 Dec 2018

20:04 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Get interpreted value for a tag-value without saving it
Today I made some more detailed tests with a set of images. In general the solution works fine, I found just one tag,... Norbert Wagner

21 Dec 2018

21:18 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Get interpreted value for a tag-value without saving it
Hi Robert,
Seasons Greetings and hoping you're good as well.
Thanks for your really fast response. As I noticed...
Norbert Wagner
19:16 Exiv2 Bug #1375 (Closed): header files missing in exiv2-0.27.0-Source.tar.gz
I am missing following header files in exiv2-0.27.0-Source.tar.gz:
exv_conf.h referenced in config.h
Norbert Wagner

20 Dec 2018

18:03 Exiv2 Forum: Get interpreted value for a tag-value without saving it
I want to get the interpreted value of a tag after entering the "original" value, but without saving the image (as a ... Norbert Wagner

15 Oct 2017

18:19 Exiv2 Bug #1322: Exception in PentaxMakerNote::printShutterCount, source: pentaxmn.cpp
thanks for the fast response, is working now. Norbert Wagner

03 Oct 2017

18:59 Exiv2 Bug #1322 (Closed): Exception in PentaxMakerNote::printShutterCount, source: pentaxmn.cpp
I modified the exifprint, replacing i->value() with i->print(). In general works fine, but with images from Pentax K5... Norbert Wagner

07 May 2017

14:54 Exiv2 Bug #1294 (Closed): tags.cpp: linebreaks in description of 0xc763, "TimeCodes"
Bug is maybe to hard, it is more an observation ...
In tags.cpp, one description line for "TagInfo(0xc763, "TimeCode...
Norbert Wagner

04 Apr 2017

20:04 Exiv2 Feature #1285: Iptc4xmpExt.DigitalSourcefileType has been deprecated
I am not familiar enough with IPTC Standard to know the implications. A user of the program I have written using exiv... Norbert Wagner

29 Mar 2017

19:34 Exiv2 Feature #1285 (New): Iptc4xmpExt.DigitalSourcefileType has been deprecated
Iptc4xmpExt.DigitalSourcefileType has been deprecated in the latest IPTC specifications: (IPTC Photo Metadata: Core 1... Norbert Wagner

23 May 2016

17:54 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Metadata in Video not changed
Hi Robin,
thanks for the fast reply. Reading metafile works. So for writing I will wait for 0.27.
Norbert Wagner

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