

LaserSoft Imaging



24 Apr 2017

15:37 Exiv2 Bug #1175: Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
I'm afraid this issue is not yet solved... :(
I have to say that we first implemented the fix on an older state of...
LaserSoft Imaging

19 Apr 2017

15:55 Exiv2 Bug #1175: Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
Robin Mills wrote:
> Thank you for the patch which I have submitted as r4755. It will be included in Exiv2 v0.26 wh...
LaserSoft Imaging
15:03 Exiv2 Bug #1175: Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
Our software is still suffering from this issue. Now we might have a (partial) solution for issue #1175.
By debuggin...
LaserSoft Imaging

31 Mar 2016

14:10 Exiv2 Bug #1175: Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
The fix is proposed in the following forum topic: LaserSoft Imaging
13:59 Exiv2 Bug #1175: Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
Similar issue seems to be #995 LaserSoft Imaging
13:58 Exiv2 Bug #1175 (Closed): Exiv2 corrupts files larger than 2GB with Exif IFD at the end of the file
Consider the following snippet which just reads meta data from file, modifies XMP meta data and writes everything bac... LaserSoft Imaging
14:08 Exiv2 Forum: Ticket1175
We have found out that the reason for the issue reported in #1175 is the usage of signed offsets instead of unsigned ... LaserSoft Imaging

08 Aug 2014

08:24 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Dateikonflikt Exiv2 Library unter Windows
Thanks for your reply, Robin!
Robin Mills wrote:
> May I ask a couple of questions:
> 1) Do you set EXV_UNICODE_...
LaserSoft Imaging
01:39 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Dateikonflikt Exiv2 Library unter Windows
Yes, of course. We met the behavior that obviously exiv2-library renames the file it is working with to a temporary n... LaserSoft Imaging

29 Jul 2014

05:41 Exiv2 Forum: Dateikonflikt Exiv2 Library unter Windows
Sehr geehrter Herr Huggel, liebe Mitleser,
if it is necessary, we could also translate our question to english.
LaserSoft Imaging

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