

Matěj Cepl

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  • Registered on: 18 Aug 2010
  • Last connection: 14 Jul 2011



30 Oct 2010

06:21 Exiv2 Bug #682: Olympus (E-1 and E-300) makernote flavour not supported: libexiv2 destroy some exif data on write
Just adding mee too here ... E-510 procued the attached image. For more information and whole saga see https://code.g... Matěj Cepl

25 Oct 2010

15:24 Exiv2 Forum: RE: who's mishandling UTF-8?
OK, this is not completely PEBKAC, but there was a mistaken assumption on my part. I thought (based on my understandi... Matěj Cepl

19 Oct 2010

02:22 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Identified (but un-delete-able) XMP key data.
Isn't this somehow related to my question ? There seems to be so... Matěj Cepl

27 Aug 2010

10:20 Exiv2 Forum: RE: who's mishandling UTF-8?
Thanks, we were working on this last couple of days with maintainers of both pyexiv2 and jbrout (https://bugs.launchp... Matěj Cepl

20 Aug 2010

08:33 Exiv2 Forum: RE: who's mishandling UTF-8?
Plot thickens ... (from Matěj Cepl
07:00 Exiv2 Forum: RE: who's mishandling UTF-8?
Yes, that's exactly what I hoped for to get here. I have filed a new "ticket": Matěj Cepl

18 Aug 2010

09:33 Exiv2 Forum: who's mishandling UTF-8?
could with somebody with deeper knowledge of EXIF/IPTC tell me where could be the issue with http://trac.yorba...
Matěj Cepl

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