BUG? When I write to Exif.Image.ImageDescription, it overwrites my Exif.Image.XPTitle with a blank or null
Added by j m over 11 years ago
This appears to be a bug, but since I am an Exiv2 noobie, maybe I am overlooking something.
Here is the code that is run at the command line on a Windows XP box using Exiv2 0.18.1:exiv2 delete 1.jpg
exiv2 -M"set Exif.Image.XPTitle Ascii MyTitle" -M"set Exif.Image.XPComment Ascii MyComments" 1.jpg
exiv2 -M"set Exif.Image.ImageDescription MyDescription" 1.jpg
Perhaps this is already fixed, or not a bug, since I am new to using this software. I assume that my JPG file should have
a valid XPTitle, but it doesn't. If I only run the first two command line calls, then I have a XPTitle. Even if I reverse
the last two command lines, I still don't have a XPTitle. I assume there is a bug in the writing of the
Exif.Image.ImageDescription code that destroys the XPTitle.
Any ideas?
Replies (3)
RE: BUG? When I write to Exif.Image.ImageDescription, it overwrites my Exif.Image.XPTitle with a blank or null - Added by j m over 11 years ago
I just tried it on the current version of Exiv2 0.20 with the same result.
As long as I am asking this question, does anyone know how to write the data as bytes, and not as ascii from a command line parameter?
Here is an example:
exiv2 -M"set Exif.Image.XPTitle Byte MyTitle_not_in_Ascii?" 1.jpg
I assume it has to be encoded somehow...
RE: BUG? When I write to Exif.Image.ImageDescription, it overwrites my Exif.Image.XPTitle with a blank or null - Added by Steve Wright over 11 years ago
You're in luck -- this is being discussed this week.
Look down a little further in the forum:
You'll be interested to know, those Bytes are indeed ASCII, but they're the numerical code representing each letter. My method has been to use the online page linked in my reply to topic thread 530, and c&p into a text editor. Then I run find/replace and substitute the single spaces with zero-space-zero, add three trailing zeros (M$'s cue to Windows that the text thread for that tag ends at X) at the end of the numerical array, and format an "exiv2 M"set Exif.Image.XP{whatever} Byte" command around that. Then I select the whole mess and paste it into my terminal/command-prompt window, and run the command. Then I check it in Explorer - good XPComments show up instantly in the "status bar" at the bottom of most all XP folder windows, so there's a shortcut -- in File>Properties>Summary tab.
Hope this helps.
Steve Wright
RE: BUG? When I write to Exif.Image.ImageDescription, it overwrites my Exif.Image.XPTitle with a blank or null - Added by arron lee over 7 years ago
Hi, JM.
I wonder have you tried the latest version of it? Does the bug still unfixed? I am also testing with the related projects these days. And I wonder whether there are some differences between the image processing tool I am testing nowadays and this one. Here are the tutorials about .NET Imaging:
VB.NET Imaging: http://www.yiigo.com/guides/vbnet/
C#.NET Imaging: http://www.yiigo.com/guides/csharp/
Any good suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,