


Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry?

Added by urci indalo over 4 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'm new to this community. Thanks for reading this.

I just purchased a Samyang 7.5mm fish-eye MFT. Since this lens lacks electronic contacts with the camera, I need to add an entry to the EXIF info from the RAW files I get so that "Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-eye MFT" (without the quotes) is passed to the Exif.OlympusEq.LensType field.

My question is: since the Exif.OlympusEq.LensType field is of the BYTE type, which way do I have to pass the mentioned info?
I know how to do this for other types such as Ascii or Rational, like:
set Exif.Photo.FocalLength Rational 15/2
set Exif.Photo.LensModel Ascii "Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-eye MFT"

In other words, after writing this:
add Exif.OlympusEq.LensType Byte

how do I finish the command?

Thanks again in advance.

Replies (5)

RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry? - Added by Robin Mills over 4 years ago

Have a look at #1298. You should add your lens to the Exov2 confit file.

RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry? - Added by urci indalo over 4 years ago

Thanks for your help, but I don't quite understand.
In the link provided, Exif.CanonCs.LensType is Short type, whilst Exif.OlympusEq.LensType is Byte type.
Also, in that link the info provided by exiv2 is:
Exif.CanonCs.LensType Short 1 (110)

whilst the info provided for my lens in the RAW files is:
Exif.OlympusEq.LensType Byte 6 None

So, what do I have to add to the (yet non-existent) ~/.exiv2? Something like this?
None=Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-eye MFT

RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry? - Added by Robin Mills over 4 years ago


You have the correct idea. You'll have to create the ~/.exiv2 file. Most users don't have that file. Can post a test file taken with your camera and lens and I'll let you know what works for me!


RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry? - Added by urci indalo over 4 years ago

Thanks very much indeed!

Please, find attached one of my RAW files. It doesn't matter, but for the sake of completeness it was taken at F5.6. Maximum aperture for this 7.5mm prime fish-eye lesn is F3.5.
I can already correctly add or modify other fields, such as these:

set Exif.Photo.FocalLength Rational 15/2
set Exif.Photo.MaxApertureValue Rational 36/10
add Exif.Photo.LensMake Ascii "Samyang"
set Exif.Photo.LensModel Ascii "Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-eye MFT"
add Exif.Photo.LensSerialNumber Ascii "S117E0497"

It is just the byte type Exif.OlympusEq.LensType which refuses to accept my wishes ;)

RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry? - Added by Robin Mills over 4 years ago

Apologies, Urci. I misread your question. I thought you were asking how to add recognition for a new lens. Your question is how to set/modify Exif.OlympusEq.LensType

I think the answer is "you can't". There are items of metadata that cannot be modified. You can change keys such as "Exif.Photo.LensMake" which are "pure Exif". However Exif.OlympusEq.LensType is part of the Olympus Makenote and cannot be edited. There are other keys such as Exif.Image.ImageWidth that cannot be changed.
