

urci indalo



12 Jun 2017

22:36 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry?
Thanks very much indeed!
Please, find attached one of my RAW files. It doesn't matter, but for the sake of complet...
urci indalo
12:48 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry?
Thanks for your help, but I don't quite understand.
In the link provided, *Exif.CanonCs.LensType* is _Short_ type, w...
urci indalo
09:32 Exiv2 Forum: Exact way to add an Exif.OlympusEq.LensType BYTE TYPE entry?
Hi everyone!
I'm new to this community. Thanks for reading this.
I just purchased a Samyang 7.5mm fish-eye MFT....
urci indalo

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