


Using Exiv2 library with QT

Added by Mark Allen over 6 years ago

I am a new guy to use Exiv2 library, I have a question: Can I use Exiv2 library wiith QT to make GUI program?

Replies (4)

RE: Using Exiv2 library with QT - Added by Gilles Caulier over 6 years ago

Of course.

digiKam is 100% Qt application (Qt4 and now Qt5). We have libkexiv2 Qt interface available if you need :

Gilles Caulier

RE: Using Exiv2 library with QT - Added by Mark Allen over 6 years ago

Can I just use exiv2 library and Qt5 to make some programs in windows?

RE: Using Exiv2 library with QT - Added by Mark Allen over 6 years ago

I want to use visual studio 2013 ,Qt5 and exiv2 library to make a GUI program in windows.

RE: Using Exiv2 library with QT - Added by Gilles Caulier over 6 years ago

yes you can use Exiv2 + Qt5. I do it already. But i use Cmake, a cross-platform compilation framework. Like this i can choose the relevant compilator for each OS (under Windows i use mmake and VC CLI compiler through Qt5-Creator GUI)
