


Temp Files

Added by Scott Renton over 6 years ago

Hi folks

We've been running quite a lot of exiv2 processes through .bat files, triggered from an Excel macro as it happens. The processes seem to run fine (the command windows disappear when complete), but we are often finding that the temp files generated on the tiffs (which the tailed number) are hanging around and occasionally, the main file is reduced to a size of just a few k.

Just wondering if you've seen this sort of thing before and if there is anything that can be done about it (a standard line in the .bat file for example)? It happens when we are running a lot of files at once- i'm assuming they're probably falling over one another.

I can't send a screenshot currently, but will do if required!


Replies (3)

RE: Temp Files - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago


I've decided to retire from Exiv2. 7 years is enough. I want to spend time on other matters:

I see nobody has attempted to discuss this topic, and I think this is because there's insufficient information here. Most of the team don't use Windows and have never imagined calling a .bat file from Excel.

Can I ask you to "boil down" the issue to something that's easier to reproduce?

Which version of exiv2 are you using? trunk or "vanilla v0.24?". There was an issue (#984) about 1 year ago that involved the virus checker locking files and you may have encountered another manifestation of the issue.

RE: Temp Files - Added by Scott Renton over 6 years ago

Hi Robin

Brilliant bucket list! Sorry you're finishing up- how long do you have left?

I believe we are using the basic trunk version, but if this is an exclusive problem to us, I will look at other ways round it. I don't think it's quite the same as 984, alas!

Unfortunately we are in the middle of a review so I cannot build the web tool I want to do the exiv'ing from just now, and thus, the simplest way is to go direct from the Excel sheet the photographers work in. It's not a massive deal, just that they need to do some manual deletes and some copying... if we're still getting these tiny files appearing then they can't work off the original, they need to make a copy and then replace. It's certainly not happened often though.

I'll speak to the photographer tomorrow and see if we need to pursue further- if this means I get to write my web-based thing, I'll be very happy!


RE: Temp Files - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

I left the project on May 23, so I'm gone now. We are building an extension to our house (started June 1), so I decided "time to go, I have other fish to catch". It doesn't sound as though you're in deep trouble here. I no longer receive email updates from the forum. If you need help, email me directly:
