

Yogesh Khedar



09 Jan 2017

22:05 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Opening an OpenCV cv::Mat image using open(buff,length) on the fly.
"image" is an instance of Exiv2::Image class and I am calling the @image->writeMetadata();@ before the code snippets ... Yogesh Khedar
09:59 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Opening an OpenCV cv::Mat image using open(buff,length) on the fly.
Thanks Robin for your suggestion. Writing a format handler for cv::Mat seems a daunting task. For now I solved the pr... Yogesh Khedar

08 Jan 2017

20:15 Exiv2 Forum: Opening an OpenCV cv::Mat image using open(buff,length) on the fly.
I need to open a cv::Mat image into Exiv2 using the Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(buf, length) function but it t...
Yogesh Khedar

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