

Thaisa Correia



29 Jan 2015

11:42 Exiv2 Forum: RE: How open just metadata image
Thanks for the answer and attention to the problem.
We will wait the problem solution under discussion.
Thaisa Correia

28 Jan 2015

18:34 Exiv2 Forum: RE: How open just metadata image
Sorry, the previous file does not contain the metadata.
This file is the correct:
Thaisa Correia
17:15 Exiv2 Forum: RE: How open just metadata image
Thanks for answer.
I'm doing test through an application developed in C++/ Qt, to access only the XMP metadata.
Thaisa Correia
13:00 Exiv2 Forum: How open just metadata image
I'm accessing the image metadata as follows:
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(path...
Thaisa Correia

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