

Tim Zaman



27 Aug 2015

09:25 Exiv2 Feature #1074: ICC Profile in APP2 segment.
Redmine is not the place for compliments, but: awesome! <3 Robin. Tim Zaman

07 May 2015

15:41 Exiv2 Feature #1074: ICC Profile in APP2 segment.
Yeah making color profiles is as much art as it is science. In terms of options in a command line program, i was more... Tim Zaman
14:46 Exiv2 Feature #1074: ICC Profile in APP2 segment.
Reading the APP2 profile data is usually not necessary, as it is often also, duplicated, (in my experience) in the no... Tim Zaman
12:24 Exiv2 Feature #1074 (Closed): ICC Profile in APP2 segment.
See thread on forum [[]].
Currently, exiv2 cannot sto...
Tim Zaman
10:45 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Store an ICC Profile
Thanks, for a cli implementation i'll stick to exiftool then. Lectori benevolo salutem, do note that one can write sR... Tim Zaman
10:04 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Store an ICC Profile
Thanks guys.
I meant to say there was this one thing (icc support) that i missed, if it had that, it would be utte...
Tim Zaman
09:22 Exiv2 Forum: Store an ICC Profile
Exiv2 is an excellent toolkit. It has one major shortcomming. It seems (checked the interwebs) I have never se...
Tim Zaman

10 Feb 2014

00:43 Exiv2 Forum: Exif copying will not include profile data.
Hi all,
I have a fairly straightforward piece of code that seems to work for copying Exif data from one image to a...
Tim Zaman

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