

andreas schmid



04 Nov 2010

07:22 Exiv2 Forum: RE: registering/deleting xmptags issue
is there a way to 'migrate' the namespaces url?
andreas schmid

03 Nov 2010

20:08 Exiv2 Forum: RE: registering/deleting xmptags issue
there might be a problem in my app then.
the workflow is:
- get the uuid
- the uuid tag doesn't exit yet, so re...
andreas schmid
16:10 Exiv2 Forum: RE: registering/deleting xmptags issue
this seems to happen only with some files.
we tried it with v.0.20 and v.0.19. same thing
how to reproduce:
andreas schmid
04:54 Exiv2 Forum: RE: getting a single tags value
thx for the hint. i tried this already but it didn't work for some reason. now it does... maybe i wasn't using the ri... andreas schmid

02 Nov 2010

10:27 Exiv2 Forum: RE: getting a single tags value
i upgraded to the latest version but im still not that happy with the output.
usually if i query for a key i want i...
andreas schmid

27 Oct 2010

18:17 Exiv2 Forum: RE: getting a single tags value
what if i dont see any -g option in my man page?
im on exiv2 0.19 installed with macports
andreas schmid
09:14 Exiv2 Forum: getting a single tags value
is there a way to get a single tags value?
if i only want the Xmp.dc.subject without the need to grep over th...
andreas schmid
09:12 Exiv2 Forum: registering/deleting xmptags issue
im trying to register my own namespace for an xmptag and i can add it successfully with the command:
exiv2 -M...
andreas schmid

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