

Albert Shan



17 Nov 2020

21:52 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Compiling for Apple Silicon
Oh I fixed it. Just need to add -fvisibility=hidden to EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS.
Albert Shan
19:36 Exiv2 Forum: Compiling for Apple Silicon
I've just managed to compile Exiv2 for arm64 support under macOS.
But when I link it, I get a bunch of warnings li...
Albert Shan

20 Feb 2019

04:45 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
GitHub does not support uploading HEIC file :(
So I added a Dropbox link to a HEIC file in the comment.
Albert Shan
04:05 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
I've just added a new issue for extracting preview image in JPEG.
As for HEIC, there is already an open issue:
Albert Shan

18 Feb 2019

05:22 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
I'm using the latest code.
Yes, HEIC is the Apple iOS native format. ExifTool from Phil Harvey can read the EXIF ...
Albert Shan

23 Jan 2019

10:57 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
Hi Robin,
I found that Canon does not embed Preview Image in their JPEG (I looked at 5DIII files, ExifTool does no...
Albert Shan
01:08 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
I emailed Phil (author of ExifTool), and he said the PreviewImage are stored in MakerNotes, and different manufacture... Albert Shan

22 Jan 2019

14:40 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
Here is the link to a Sony A73 JPEG:
Inside, there ...
Albert Shan
14:37 Exiv2 Forum: RE: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the fast reply. It is not just Sony doing, I think most camera manufacturers are doing somet...
Albert Shan
12:29 Exiv2 Forum: Extract PreviewImage (not thumbnail)
I found that JPEG files that come from digital cameras often have an additional higher resolution preview image.
Albert Shan

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