Bug #775
Sort iptc data by record number when encoding
Start date:
16 Jun 2011
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Copied from a forum post by Matthias Baas:
I noticed that libexiv2 writes iptc data sets in the same order as they were added to the IptcData object by the application. However, the iptc spec states that records must be in numerical order (Envelope must be before Application2). Personally, I think it would make sense to enforce this requirement in the library instead of relying on the application code to get this right (as it's just one potential bug less in all the applications using libexiv2).
Associated revisions
Updated by Andreas Huggel over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
#775: Sort IPTC data by record number when encoding (Matthias Baas).