Feature #1047
Add new sample applications exifdata and exivvalue
Start date:
25 Mar 2015
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
We've had numerous forum support requests recently from Mikayel in Armenia. His application requires exif metadata to be formatted for use by an external application. I've written a sample exifdata which "dumps" the exif metadata in one of four formats: json, csv, xml and wolfram. The json output is a simple object for illustration purposes. The application exiv2json provides recursive json object output.
Mikayel has also claimed that the expression:
std::cout << exifData[''];is crashing his application and is not caught by the structured exception handler. I've added samples/exifvalue to enable him to execute this and provide evidence of the issue.
Submitted: r3638 Successfully build and tested: http://exiv2.dyndns.org:8080/job/Exiv2-trunk/1889/
#1047 Rollback r4163 and try again. r4163 broke MSVC build.