


pyexiv2 0.3.0 released

Added by Olivier Tilloy almost 11 years ago

I am pleased to announce that pyexiv2 0.3.0 was released today.

pyexiv2 is a high-level python binding to libexiv2. Please note that it's a separate project, you can follow its development and contribute on Launchpad. There is also a dedicated team and an associated mailing list. Please do not report bugs for it here.

This series remains fully backward compatible with its predecessor, the 0.2 series, which should ease the transition away from the antiquated 0.1 series.

The highlights of this release are:
  • Compiles and tested (on linux and windows) against libexiv2 0.19, 0.20, 0.21
  • ImageMetadata implements the collections.MutableMapping interface
  • Consistent API across all types of tags to access the value(s)
  • Read/write access to the EXIF thumbnail
  • Decode and encode EXIF comments according to the specified charset
  • API to (un)register custom XMP namespaces
  • API to get, set and delete the (optional) IPTC charset
  • Added pickling support to tags
  • Use fractions.Fraction when available in the standard library (Python ≥ 2.6)

Many thanks to everyone who contributed with bug reports, patches, testing and suggestions. As usual, your feedback is much appreciated.

And a happy new year!


Replies (1)

RE: pyexiv2 0.3.0 released - Added by Andreas Huggel almost 11 years ago

Congratulations Olivier and a Happy New Year to you and the pyexiv2 team!

