


readMetadata() method crashes for jpeg image

Added by Kundan Bharti almost 13 years ago


I found one image for which readMetadata got crashed. Can anybody help me on this point, like how i will validate this type of image before calling readMetadata, so that i could not get any crash in my application. I am attaching the file with this message.

Replies (3)

RE: readMetadata() method crashes for jpeg image - Added by Robin Mills almost 13 years ago

Hi Kundan

Andreas and I have been unable to reproduce this with exiv 0.18 on Windows/Mac/Ubuntu

Can you run exiv2 -V and let us know the version and platform on which you are running exiv2.
Or do you have another way of producing this with your own code?


RE: readMetadata() method crashes for jpeg image - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago


Thanks for your quick response. I am using Windows, visual studio 2005 with Exiv2 version 0.17.1.


RE: readMetadata() method crashes for jpeg image - Added by Robin Mills almost 13 years ago


Is there a reason why you can't move forward to 0.18? I agree with Andreas that exiv2 shouldn't crash. However the obvious fix is for you to use 0.18.

