DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps
Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
I'm currently building a batch file and I need some help.
Here's the story: I have many scanned files that contain absolutely no EXIF data and I am building a batch file to run exiv2 with pre-programmed commands to do the most regular chores.
One of the problems I run into is that I need to set date stamps but I run into a specific problem that is annoying me.
Thing is, to set the date I must use the yyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss format but the required colons (:) are a reserved character in DOS batch files...
Does anyone have any idea of how to go around this?
I'm running under Windows 10.
Replies (11)
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Robin Mills about 6 years ago
Are you using cmd.exe or powershell? The DOS/cmd.exe escape character is ^. However, I don't believe you need it for the colon ":".
Here's a little test I've just run on W7/64 with exiv2.exe (v0.25, head of trunk):
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>dir exiv2.exe Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 0899-EF40 Directory of C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll 09/14/2015 04:54 PM 403,456 exiv2.exe 1 File(s) 403,456 bytes 0 Dir(s) 22,731,194,368 bytes free C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>exiv2 -vV -g version -g svn exiv2 0.25 001900 (64 bit build) version=8.00 svn=3940 id=$Id: version.cpp 3931 2015-09-08 13:01:05Z robinwmills $ C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>echo 10:20:30 10:20:30 C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>echo 10^:20^:30 10:20:30 C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>echo 10^^:20^^:30 10^:20^:30 C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>copy c:\temp\BabyGnuTux-BigWLPG.jpg foo.jpg 1 file(s) copied. C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>exiv2 -pa -g Date foo.jpg Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2012:01:04 20:34:45 Xmp.xmp.CreateDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00 Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00 Xmp.xmp.MetadataDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00 C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>exiv2 "-Mset Exif.Image.DateTime 2015:09:18 17:35:02" foo.jpg C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>exiv2 -pa -g Date foo.jpg Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2015:09:18 17:35:02 Xmp.xmp.CreateDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00 Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00 Xmp.xmp.MetadataDate XmpText 25 2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00I'd be astonished to learn that Windows 10 DOS is different from Windows 7. I can't remember the last time I noticed anything new in DOS. It's been very static for about 20 years. My wife's laptop runs 10 and I can have a sniff around on that if you're still in trouble.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
Wow, that was fast!
Yes, I'm running the good old cmd.exe dos prompt. I figured that it's old and cruddy enough so that my script will run on anything.
the problem that I'm running into is that in a batch file, the : is considered as a command all by itself, so I have to work around that.
I'm starting to think that the only way around would be to create a text file containing all the commands, send it through exiv2 and then delete it. But that's proving to be a real pain... but it might be the only way around this.
Right now, just getting the system date in the proper order is proving to be another problem... but at least once this part is written, the rest should come in easy.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Robin Mills about 6 years ago
I think you're doing something wrong. Make sure you have the time enclosed in " .... ". Like this:
C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>type foo.bat @echo off exiv2 "-Mset Exif.Image.DateTime 2015:09:18 18:02:02" foo.jpg exiv2 -pa -g Exif.Image.DateTime foo.jpg C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>foo.bat Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2015:09:18 18:02:02 C:\cygwin64\home\rmills\gnu\exiv2\trunk\msvc2005\bin\x64\debugdll>There's a really good web-site with loads of useful tips about cmd.exe. Without doubt cmd.exe is not a good scripting environment, however it's more capable that most folks think. Many folks think DOS is unusable - although I'm not a member of the Microsoft hate brigade. I like Windows.
I've also heard people say great things about PowerShell. I've never wanted to use PS because it's M/S only. I seldom work exclusively on Windows. When I write scripts, I usually want then to run on any platform. I like bash/cygwin. I've found python to be a very nice cross-platform environment. For example the msvc2005/configure.bat script in the Exiv2 build system.
There's an Exiv2 user in Silicon Valley who has a scanning business. I think he has scripts for a lot of this stuff. I could put you in touch with him and maybe you can collaborate.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
DOS is definitely the underdog of the programming world, but I think that's why I like it.
A long time ago I used to do a lot of stuff in classic Visual Basic but I got tired of it. While it does make nice interfaces, I like the smallness of script files. They rarely get to be incompatible with some system update and don't need a ton of junk just to run.
Right now, I think I may be on my way to figuring some way to bypass the problems... as they say, simplify until it doesn't work and start from there. I'm thinking my script might have been overly complicated. I found out that for some reason it doesn't like to set values in an IF block... I call it quirkiness.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
I think I might actually have cracked it!
I need to put the commands into a separate file like I thought. And to get the system date I need to do it in a separate sub and then bring the values back where they can be used...
Here's a sample of what I've done. Still needs some work but it seems OK so far.
@ECHO OFF rem change codepage to allow nice graphics ;-) chcp 65001 CLS rem Check WMIC is available WMIC.EXE Alias /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO s_error SETLOCAL rem set location where exiv2 is located rem default is set to Program Files folder rem like: set EXIV2_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\EXIV2 rem Use double quotes"" when the name contains spaces set EXIV2_PATH="d:\Portable Apps\EXIV2" IF EXIST %EXIV2_PATH% SET PATH=%PATH%;%EXIV2_PATH% if not exist %EXIV2_PATH%\exiv2.exe goto Error rem Go to drag and drop folder if "%~1" == "" exit cd "%~1" rem Get current dir name for %%* in (.) do set CurrDirName=%%~n* :DATE rem select date to use choice /m "Use System date and time or Custom date?" /C sc IF ERRORLEVEL 2 call :CustomDate IF ERRORLEVEL 1 call :SystemDate rem Display the date/time in ISO 8601 format: Set _isodate=%_yyyy%:%_mm%:%_dd% %_hour%:%_minute%:00 Echo %_isodate% rem make a command file with all commands for exiv2 ( echo add Exif.Image.DateTime %_isodate% echo add Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal %_isodate% echo add Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal %_isodate% echo add Xmp.xmp.CreateDate %_isodate% echo add Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate %_isodate% echo add Xmp.xmp.MetadataDate %_isodate% ) >%temp%\Commands.txt rem view command content just for fun type %temp%\Commands.txt rem add the proper tags to the filed in the dragged folder exiv2 -m "%temp%\Commands.txt" "%~1"\*.jpg pause rem remove the commands from the temp folder del %temp%\Commands.txt GOTO END :SystemDate rem get system date and time in a uniform fashion FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO ( IF "%%~L"=="" goto s_done Set _yyyy=%%L Set _mm=00%%J Set _dd=00%%G Set _hour=00%%H SET _minute=00%%I ) :s_done rem Pad digits with leading zeros Set _mm=%_mm:~-2% Set _dd=%_dd:~-2% Set _hour=%_hour:~-2% Set _minute=%_minute:~-2% exit /B :CustomDate set /p _yyyy=Enter Year: set /p _mm=Enter Month rem this adds the leading zeros when needed Set _mm=%_mm:~-2% set /p _dd=Enter Day Set _dd=%_dd:~-2% set /p _hour=Enter Hour (24) Set _hour=%_hour:~-2% set /p _minute=Enter Minutes Set _minute=%_minute:~-2% rem return to the call command that originated exit /B :END ECHO Thank you for using this script pause Exit
All I need to do is drop a folder on the batch file and it checks everything and does the job. I still need to test it with a user input instead of an automatic date but it should work equally well.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Robin Mills about 6 years ago
Well done, Francois. I'm not too convinced about the temporary file business - however it's working that's what counts. Take the rest of the day off!
For sure the DOS '(' and ')' for if and stuff is a very slippery customer. I agree with your comments about VB. Nice people don't let their friends use VB. VB = Very brittle. However making a little GUI in VB is fun and you can use it to launch your batch file. However, only do fluffy gui stuff in VB. Invest your effort in durable/fixable code.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
I don't like the temp file stuff very much either but it seems to be the lesser of two evils. Besides, it simplifies things and I clean up when I'm done...
I could create a ramdrive, store the file there and then collapse the memory... but that would be messy for nothing.
If I just had a penny for every program that leaves junk lying everywhere on my drive...
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Alan Pater about 6 years ago
Good job Robin!
Apologies in advance for a bit of an OT reply, but I'm always interested in seeing how people handle dates for their images. The Metadata Working Group has some information and guidelines on which tags are which and includes recommendations for scanned images.
For instance Xmp.photoshop.DateCreated is the equivalent of Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
Thanks for the link.
I'm going to check it out for sure as I want my images to be properly read by software and websites.
As for now, my metadata handling is primitive at best. I often feel some tags are harder to get correct than others.
For instance, I always slave over the aperture info and the date gave me hell. Shutter speed is another one...
Anyways, I'll check it out.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Robin Mills about 6 years ago
Aperture is a tricky customer - it's stored as a rational - however converting to a decimal is wrong. It's an APEX number. The exiv2(.exe) application knows what to do with the syntax Fn.m to convert it to an Apex rational.
As Alan says, dates are another black art. The Exif standard does not include Time Zone information. I also believe it does not handle time resolution less than than 1 second and that's a bummer when processing bracketed images (for HDR). I think there's an Exif standard for sub seconds, however this is all messy. Xmp follows the better XML date/time standard.
I can't say much about exposure. Shutter speed (Exif.Photo.ExposureTime) is stored as a rational second. There was an issue recently relating to this.
I've dumped the exposure data from a photo I took in July at Stonehenge. It has all this EV stuff which I think is a setting on the camera to under/overexpose. And mostly in the Nikon MakerNotes from my D5300. I'm a retired Adobe Software Engineer and joined Team Exiv2 to add MSVC support. I've been on a 7 year adventure into the mysterious land of metadata and still have a great deal to learn.
$ exiv2 -pa -g Exposure Exif.Photo.ExposureTime Rational 1 1/400 s Exif.Photo.ExposureProgram Short 1 Not defined Exif.Photo.ExposureBiasValue SRational 1 0 EV Exif.Nikon3.ExposureDiff Undefined 4 0.0 EV Exif.Nikon3.FlashExposureComp Undefined 4 0.0 EV Exif.Nikon3.ExposureBracketComp SRational 1 0/6 Exif.Nikon3.ExposureTuning Undefined 3 0 1 6 Exif.NikonMe.MultiExposureMode Long 1 Off Exif.NikonMe.MultiExposureShots Long 1 0 Exif.NikonMe.MultiExposureAutoGain Long 1 Off Exif.Photo.ExposureMode Short 1 Auto $I suspect however you don't need to throw too much metadata into scanned images. If you're scanning, what does exposure and aperture mean? To be useful, you really need to capture that data when the photo was taken. If you're scanning an old slide from years back, it's probably impossible to even guess most of the stuff that's effortlessly stored by a digital camera.
RE: DOS batch file and EXIF date stamps - Added by Francois Laverdure about 6 years ago
Yes, it is for scanning old negatives.
The good thing is I know which lenses were used so I can set the lens mm, focal length equivalent and maximum aperture pretty easily.
Exposure mode, flash on/off are another one I can easily set without much knowledge.
Thing is I regularly scan stuff and then use AnalogEXIF to add the tags back in. But this program hasn't seen any development in ages and contains more than a few bugs, some of them intermittent and mysterious... the type of stuff we all hate. On the other hand, EXIV2 has been around for quite some time (I used to use it back when it didn't support XML) so I naturally migrated to it and am attempting to rebuild the same functionality as analogexif but in a bulletproof batch file.