


Exiv2 in Chrome extension

Added by Benjamin H. over 7 years ago

We built a Chrome extension that uses exiv2 via Native Client for reading metadata.
The extension will be published later. Some additional fixes and git cleaning is needed.
However, maybe someone likes to use exiv2 this way. You can use exiv2 from Javascript
via a wrapper binary that uses the library. You can build the lib for Native Client via naclports.
For this you need the additional files from

Replies (12)

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago

Thanks for posting this, Benjamin. I'm sure this is very useful contribution that extends the reach of the library. Thanks for doing this, and for sharing your work for use by others.


RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Benjamin H. over 7 years ago

I just shared the code of the Chrome extension that uses exiv2 via native client:

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. I'll build this and give you some feedback.


RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago

I'm stuck. Please help. I'm building on the Mac, however I don't believe differences between Linux and Mac are the issue.

801 rmills@rmills-mbp:~/dev/naclports/src $ make exiv2
build_tools/ install exiv2 
naclports: $NACL_SDK_ROOT does not exist: /Users/rmills/dev/nacl_sdk/pepper_33
make: *** [exiv2] Error 1
802 rmills@rmills-mbp:~/dev/naclports/src $ 

I'm also puzzled by the instruction:

Besides interpreted Javascript code this Chrome extension uses 
a native client app that includes the exiv2 C++ library. You have to
build that and place it in bin/ before deploying the extension.

What is "it" ? The dynamic library, the exiv2 executable program or something else?

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Benjamin H. over 7 years ago

See updated for error handling.
SDK version changed from pepper33 to pepper35. Additionally, naclports package file syntax slightly changed.
I will update the other files later.

It = the native client executables *.nexe

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago

Thank you for your help. I'm moving house today from California back to England. It'll probably be next week before I have a chance to look at this.

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago

Right. I finally have some time to look at this. I'm sorry to spoil your day, however I'm unable to follow your instructions. I arrive a step 4 and here's what happens

598 rmills@rmills-mbp:~/gnu/exiv2/dev/naclports/src $ make exiv2
build_tools/ install exiv2 
Building 'zlib' [i686/newlib/release]
Build complete 'zlib' [i686/newlib/release] [took 9s]
Installing 'zlib' [i686/newlib/release]
naclports: invalid file in package: ._.
make: *** [exiv2] Error 1
599 rmills@rmills-mbp:~/gnu/exiv2/dev/naclports/src $ 

There's a little issue with the documentation mentioning pepper33, which I believe should be pepper35.

Exactly where is bin/ ? This is a relative path. Relative to where ~/dev ? Is the only item in bin to be bin/exiv2?

The recipe is rather complicated. Please remember that I know nothing about chrome extensions and don't know what to expect here. When something fails unexpectedly, I have no idea how to proceed as I don't know where we're going!

Is it possible to create a script to take care of everything?


RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Benjamin H. over 7 years ago

I cannot reproduce the error you reported: invalid file in package: ._.

bin/ is relative to extension's main directory, which when cloning already contains files built with pepper_33.
You're right. pepper_33 now is pepper_35 (
I added a note to INSTALL some days ago, so git pull. The other bug you reported
was fixed in naclports-exiv2's git. So you need to pull/copy that again, or start from scratch.
I slightly extended and pushed the INSTALL file -- I just built the binaries by copy/pasting all commands to console using OS X 10.7.

A script might not always work. For instance gclient command interactively asked for a config update when I used it the first time today.
However, the git repo contains older builds of the binaries, so others may just clone it and use the extension.

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Robin Mills over 7 years ago


Thank You very much for being patient with me. It's working and I am really delighted and very impressed. Good Job.

The image here was used in testing our "Web Ready" feature which will ship in Exiv2 v0.25. This feature provides support for reading and writing metadata using http(s), ftp(s), ssh protocols. I'd like acknowledge the excellent contribution of Tuan to add internet protocol support to Exiv2. Tuan participated in Exiv2 as a Student in the Program: "Google Summer of Code 2013".

I'll run your procedure next week on Linux and Windows and give you an update on my progress.

Thank You for sharing this and for your assistance to get it running on MacOS-X 10.9. Your instructions are faultless.

515 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/exiv2/gsoc13 $ exiv2 -pa 
Exif.Image.Orientation                       Short       1  top, left
Exif.Image.XResolution                       Rational    1  72
Exif.Image.YResolution                       Rational    1  72
Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit                    Short       1  inch
Exif.Image.Software                          Ascii      29  Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh
Exif.Image.DateTime                          Ascii      20  2007:01:28 11:28:40
Exif.Image.ExifTag                           Long        1  164
Exif.Photo.ColorSpace                        Short       1  Uncalibrated
Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension                   Long        1  2160
Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension                   Long        1  345
Exif.Thumbnail.Compression                   Short       1  JPEG (old-style)
Exif.Thumbnail.XResolution                   Rational    1  72
Exif.Thumbnail.YResolution                   Rational    1  72
Exif.Thumbnail.ResolutionUnit                Short       1  inch
Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormat         Long        1  302
Exif.Thumbnail.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength   Long        1  1688
Xmp.exif.ColorSpace                          XmpText    10  (4294967295)
Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension                     XmpText     4  2160
Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension                     XmpText     3  345
Xmp.photoshop.History                        XmpText     0  
Xmp.tiff.Orientation                         XmpText     1  top, left
Xmp.tiff.XResolution                         XmpText     4  72
Xmp.tiff.YResolution                         XmpText     4  72
Xmp.tiff.ResolutionUnit                      XmpText     1  inch
Xmp.xmp.CreateDate                           XmpText    20  2007-01-28T11:28:40Z
Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate                           XmpText    20  2007-01-28T11:28:40Z
Xmp.xmp.MetadataDate                         XmpText    20  2007-01-28T11:28:40Z
Xmp.xmp.CreatorTool                          XmpText    28  Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh
Xmp.xmpMM.DocumentID                         XmpText    58  adobe:docid:photoshop:d55579f3-b053-11db-9c6f-ee9b066f2204
Xmp.xmpMM.InstanceID                         XmpText    41  uuid:d55579f4-b053-11db-9c6f-ee9b066f2204
Xmp.dc.format                                XmpText    10  image/jpeg
516 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/exiv2/gsoc13 $ 

The Image is a photo of the the beautiful town of Largs, Scotland where I was born.

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Benjamin H. over 7 years ago

Thank you!
More example images including GPS data and embedded person tags are located at

Some screenshots can be found at the describing website at
and in the publication linked on that page.

It's a pity that we only could implement the modification of metadata on upload
as a proof of concept for basic html forms right now due to API limitations.

RE: Exiv2 in Chrome extension - Added by Nehal J Wani over 7 years ago

I was able to build the chrome extension successfully on Fedora 19 using the steps mentioned at github
3 Cheers for Benjamin!
