


Adding ID's to Pentax Makernotes? (with patch)

Added by S. Verdoold almost 9 years ago

After looking at the patch by Pascal de Bruijn I looked a bit further into adding new ID's etc. After some comparing I found that exiftool has quite a few more ID's etc. for Pentax tags than the current svn version, rev. 2959 (see for example ( So I added quite a few ID's to match exiftool and created a patch against svn revision 2959. This patch is attached.

How should I proceed? Is some extra review needed or is this not necessary as it only adds extra ID's?

Replies (2)

RE: Adding ID's to Pentax Makernotes? (with patch) - Added by Robin Mills almost 9 years ago

Thanks very much for providing the patch. Andreas is the project manager for exiv2 and I will defer to his judgement concerning this.

I have accepted and submitted patches for makernotes in the past on the basis of trust/respect for the contributor.

Verifying information concerning makernotes is not easy. For example, the following issue was reported recently: and claims that a Nikon Tag is incorrectly reported as Byte and should be SByte. I was unable (using Google) to find anything from Nikon about this. Phil Harvey (for whom I have the greatest respect) published information which confirms the claim in 1337. Moreover Google also found similar information on However, that doesn't make the claim true. Anybody who has read about the Bermuda Triangle will be aware that "respected authorities" all quote each other. I'd much prefer to see Nikon (or the owners of the exif spec) publish definitive makernotes.

So, unless Andreas (or somebody else) says "STOP", I intend to accept your patch and add it to the code base. I will inspect the patch and if it seems reasonable, I will submit. If I have any questions about the patch, I will ask the contributor for additional information. For example:

So thank for your contribution (now and in the past). Best Wishes for 2013.


RE: Adding ID's to Pentax Makernotes? (with patch) - Added by Robin Mills almost 9 years ago

Fix submitted: SVN: 2961. Thank you very much for the patch.

