


XMP struct tags

Added by Mikayel Egibyan over 6 years ago


Is there any way to extract structural tag values at the time?

e.g. xmpData["Xmp.xmpMM.DerivedFrom/stRef:instanceID"], xmpData["Xmp.xmpMM.DerivedFrom/stRef:..."], ...

Instead of doing all this things separately to do something like xmpData["Xmp.xmpMM.DerivedFrom/stRef:ALL"] or xmpData["Xmp.xmpMM.DerivedFrom..."] to get {*istanceID, ..., *...} values?

Any help is appreciated.

Replies (11)

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago


Benjamin recently asked about this topic. Regrettably, I couldn't help him. However perhaps you and Benjamin can cooperate to solve this puzzle - and share the solution with the world. That's how open source works.

Alan (Pater) asked recently about converting ACDE "Category" xml tags into LightRoom Hierarchies. I was able to give him a solution to that by using some Perl to reformat the ACDE xml into LR tags. I think this is a little different from your question. However my solution shows how to use external tools such as Perl and XMLlint (which includes an XPath evaluator).

Good Luck


RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

One other thought about this. In the discussion with Benjamin (1871), I referred him to some code to extract the raw XML from the image file using the formidable 'dd' utility (dd == deadly dangerous). It's probably better to locate the raw xml data from the image and use XPath or something to navigate the dom.

Perhaps that helps. Perhaps not. If you find a solution, please share.

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

I have added a new option to exiv2(.exe) -pX to extract the XMP block from an image. With this option, you can easily extract the xml and process it with xmllint, perl, python, xslt or any external tool. r3650

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

I've had a little think about this. I've used the new exiv2 -pX option to extract the XMP from BabyGnuTux-BigWLPG.jpg:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.0-c060 61.134777, 2010/02/12-17:32:00        ">
  <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
    <rdf:Description xmlns:xmp="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:photoshop="" xmlns:xmpMM="" xmlns:stEvt="" rdf:about="" xmp:CreatorTool="Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows" xmp:CreateDate="2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00" xmp:ModifyDate="2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" xmp:MetadataDate="2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" dc:format="image/jpeg" photoshop:ColorMode="3" photoshop:ICCProfile="sRGB IEC61966-2.1" xmpMM:InstanceID="xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A" xmpMM:DocumentID="xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A" xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID="xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A">
          <rdf:li stEvt:action="created" stEvt:instanceID="xmp.iid:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A" stEvt:when="2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00" stEvt:softwareAgent="Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows"/>
          <rdf:li stEvt:action="converted" stEvt:parameters="from image/png to image/jpeg"/>
          <rdf:li stEvt:action="saved" stEvt:instanceID="xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A" stEvt:when="2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" stEvt:softwareAgent="Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows" stEvt:changed="/"/>
    <rdf:Description xmlns:MP="">
        <rdf:Description xmlns:rdf="">
          <MPRI:Regions xmlns:MPRI="">
            <rdf:Bag xmlns:rdf="">
                <rdf:Description xmlns:rdf="">
                  <MPReg:Rectangle xmlns:MPReg="">0.661608, 0.244310, 0.130501, 0.261002</MPReg:Rectangle>
                  <MPReg:PersonDisplayName xmlns:MPReg="">Baby Tux</MPReg:PersonDisplayName>
                <rdf:Description xmlns:rdf="">
                  <MPReg:Rectangle xmlns:MPReg="">0.205615, 0.226100, 0.130501, 0.261002</MPReg:Rectangle>
                  <MPReg:PersonDisplayName xmlns:MPReg="">Baby Gnu</MPReg:PersonDisplayName>
<?xpacket end='w'?>
I used samples/exiv2json to format the xmp metadata from an image and it revealed:
    "Xmp": {
        "xmp": {
            "CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
            "CreateDate": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
            "ModifyDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
            "MetadataDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" 
        "dc": {
            "format": "image\/jpeg" 
        "photoshop": {
            "ColorMode": "3",
            "ICCProfile": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" 
        "xmpMM": {
            "InstanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "DocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "OriginalDocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "History": "type=\"Seq\"",
            "History[1]": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "History[1]/stEvt:action": "created",
            "History[1]/stEvt:instanceID": "xmp.iid:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "History[1]/stEvt:when": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
            "History[1]/stEvt:softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
            "History[2]": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "History[2]/stEvt:action": "converted",
            "History[2]/stEvt:parameters": "from image\/png to image\/jpeg",
            "History[3]": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "History[3]/stEvt:action": "saved",
            "History[3]/stEvt:instanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "History[3]/stEvt:when": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
            "History[3]/stEvt:softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
            "History[3]/stEvt:changed": "\/" 
        "MP": {
            "RegionInfo": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions": "type=\"Bag\"",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[1]": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[1]/MPReg:Rectangle": "0.661608, 0.244310, 0.130501, 0.261002",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[1]/MPReg:PersonDisplayName": "Baby Tux",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[2]": "type=\"Struct\"",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[2]/MPReg:Rectangle": "0.205615, 0.226100, 0.130501, 0.261002",
            "RegionInfo/MPRI:Regions[2]/MPReg:PersonDisplayName": "Baby Gnu" 
I looked at this and manually compiled it into this:
"xmp": {
    "CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
    "CreateDate": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
    "ModifyDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
    "MetadataDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" 
"dc": {
    "format": "image\/jpeg" 
"photoshop": {
    "ColorMode" : "3",
    "ICCProfile": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" 
"xmpMM": {
    "InstanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
    "DocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
    "OriginalDocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
    "History": [
        { "stEvt": {
            "action": "created",
            "instanceID": "xmp.iid:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "when": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
            "softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows" 
        } },
        "stEvt" : {
            "action": "converted",
            "parameters": "from image\/png to image\/jpeg" 
        } },
        { "stEvt" : {
           "action": "saved",
           "instanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
           "when": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
           "softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
           "changed": "\/" 
        } }
"MP": {
    "RegionInfo": {
        "MPRI" {
            Regions": [
                   "MPReg" {
                    "Rectangle": "0.661608, 0.244310, 0.130501, 0.261002",
                    "PersonDisplayName": "Baby Tux" 
                } ,
                   "MPReg" {
                    "Rectangle": "0.205615, 0.226100, 0.130501, 0.261002",
                    "PersonDisplayName": "Baby Gnu" 

A Struct -> a JSON object { ... }. A Seq (or Alt or Bag) -> a JSON array [ .... ]. I've half written the code to do this automatically. However I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks and don't have time to finish and submit the code. This isn't difficult and I am sure you can do this for yourself in an afternoon.

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Mikayel Egibyan over 6 years ago

Can you please attach the updated version?


RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

You're out of luck, Mikayel. I didn't finish it at the weekend and now I'm on vacation. However I did submit the code with the exiv2(.exe) -pX option to extract the XMP "raw" xml which you can process with various tools of course.

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago


The code is more tricky than I thought. I'm making progress. I've updated the notes above concerning the manual compilation. I'm using those notes to help me debug this. Patience .....................


RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

Right. I've got the code working. Much harder than I expected. I don't want to submit yet because I'm on vacation and I'd like to review the code to see if it can be simplified. Here's the output:

  "Xmp": {
    "xmp": {
      "CreatorTool": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
      "CreateDate": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
      "ModifyDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
      "MetadataDate": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00" 
    "dc": {
      "format": "image\/jpeg" 
    "photoshop": {
      "ColorMode": "3",
      "ICCProfile": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" 
    "xmpMM": {
      "InstanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
      "DocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
      "OriginalDocumentID": "xmp.did:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
      "History": [
          "stEvt": {
            "action": "created",
            "instanceID": "xmp.iid:4D9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "when": "2012-01-04T20:32:52+01:00",
            "softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows" 
          "stEvt": {
            "action": "converted",
            "parameters": "from image\/png to image\/jpeg" 
          "stEvt": {
            "action": "saved",
            "instanceID": "xmp.iid:4E9C1E280B37E111A568FF94F417581A",
            "when": "2012-01-04T20:34:45+01:00",
            "softwareAgent": "Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows",
            "changed": "\/" 
    "MP": {
      "RegionInfo": {
        "MPRI": {
          "Regions": [
              "MPReg": {
                "Rectangle": "0.661608, 0.244310, 0.130501, 0.261002",
                "PersonDisplayName": "Baby Tux" 
              "MPReg": {
                "Rectangle": "0.205615, 0.226100, 0.130501, 0.261002",
                "PersonDisplayName": "Baby Gnu" 
When the data has been parsed into this format, you can navigate it in C++ using Jzon without having to serialize. Of course, you can serialize and read it into your favorite JSON reader.

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago

Submitted: r3666. I've also logged a feature request to deal with this: #1054.

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Mikayel Egibyan over 6 years ago

Thank you Robin,

Can you please attach the file with source?

Thank you once more,

RE: XMP struct tags - Added by Robin Mills over 6 years ago


You can get the code from svn:
$ svn export svn://

If you don't have an SVN client, I highly recommend Tortoise on Windows. I use SmartSVN on Mac/Linux/Windows - and the command-line.
