




About the data:

The following table is created from SVN with the script below. It's approximate. For example, Tuan developed webready and doesn't appear in the table. Probably because Robin integrated his code to trunk. So Robin's contribution is exaggerated and Tuan's is ignored. I'm sure the contributions of Mahesh and Abhinav (badola) are also understated.

The command svn blame records the person who last modified the code. Robin has therefore been credited with code he modified that was written by somebody else!

I have also massaged the table to deduct the code in XMPsdk. This is a "bought in" component which contributes a substantial code body. To be consistent, I have deducted XMPsdk from all contributors, although Robin's contributions are mostly additions to XMPsdk. I'm very pleased to see that the net result of 105960 is very close to the count published by OpenHUB.

Contributor Lines of Code XMPsdk Total
ahuggel 81548 23167 58372
asp 667
badola 226
brad 744
cgilles 3463 71 3392
danielkane 63
draekko 389
maheshmheg 188
nkbj 2559 3 2556
patrick 14 2 12
robinwmill 37667 299 37368
sridharb 577
tbeu 165
vog 1880
129511 23551 105960
$ find . -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.hpp" \
   -o -name "CM*.txt" -o -name "*.bat" -o -name "*.py" \
   | xargs svn blame >/tmp/blame 2>/dev/null
$ for i in $(cat /tmp/blame | sed -E -e 's/ +/ /g'\
   | cut -d' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq) ; do echo '| ' $i ' | ' $(cat /tmp/blame | grep $i 
   | wc -l) '|' ; done
... see table above ...
$ svn info .
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /Users/rmills/gnu/exiv2/trunk
URL: svn://
Relative URL: ^/trunk
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: b7c8b350-86e7-0310-a4b4-de8f6a8f16a3
Revision: 4674
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: robinwmills
Last Changed Rev: 4674
Last Changed Date: 2016-11-04 13:32:54 +0000 (Fri, 04 Nov 2016)

Updated by Robin Mills about 5 years ago · 12 revisions