



Building exiv2 on Windows Using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012


  1. This article only applies to exiv2 v0.24
  2. For v0.26 and later , open the solution file msvc/exiv2.sln in ANY version of Visual Studio 2005/8/10/12/13/15
  3. For v0.25 and earlier, open the solution file msvc2005/exiv2.sln in Visual Studio 2005/8/10
  4. Users of Visual Studio 2003 should open msvc2003/exiv2.sln
  5. Because of template/stl/compiler incompatibility, exiv2 cannot be built using any version of Visual Studio prior to 2003

*Last revision on which this method was tested: r3288
*Operating Systems on which this method was tested: Windows7 Professional and Home-Premium 64bit

  1. Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012
  2. Download win32svn and install it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion
  3. Open command prompt and type:
    mkdir C:\gnu #Can be some other location too.
    cd C:\gnu
    svn checkout svn:// #Download latest exiv2 source code
  4. Download expat-2.1.0 and extract it to C:\gnu
  5. Download zlib-1.2.7 and extract it to C:\gnu
  6. Navigate to C:\gnu\trunk\msvc2012 and open the file exiv2.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012
  7. Press OK for all security warnings. #Believe me, exiv2's code is clean, we don't pose security threats :)
  8. Go to Build->Configuration Manager.

    Tick build for all projects. You will have 8 combinations [{Debug|DebugDLL|Release|ReleaseDLL}|{x64|Win32}] to choose from. Click close.
  9. Go to Build->Build Solution. After the build is complete, you'll see in the output window:
    ========== Build: 32 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  10. All the built binaries are available in C:\gnu\trunk\msvc2012\bin
  11. Install cygwin (64-bit) or cygwin (32-bit)
  12. While selecting packages, make sure to select make and dos2unix.

  13. Open the cygwin terminal. Navigate to C:\gnu\trunk\tests and run tests:

Updated by Robin Mills about 5 years ago ยท 23 revisions