


Building on Fedora using Cmake » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (Nehal J Wani, 26 Aug 2014 13:49) → Revision 14/15 (Nehal J Wani, 17 Jan 2015 14:33)

h1. Building exiv2 on Fedora using Cmake

* This has been tested on Fedora20 64 and 32 bit minimal installations.
* Last revision on which this method was tested: r3288
* This wiki page assumes that installation prefix is _/usr/local_ and your build-dir is _~/gnu/exiv2_

# Install some of the basic utilities
sudo yum install -y subversion make cmake autoconf gcc-c++ yum-utils pkgconfig libssh-devel libcurl-devel dos2unix clang #clang is required only if you wish to use it as the compiler instead of gcc
# Install all the dependencies for building exiv2. (Since exiv2 is already available in the Fedora repositories, this python script makes things easy and is provided by the package _yum-utils_)
sudo yum-builddep -y exiv2
# Fetch the source code:
mkdir -p ~/gnu/exiv2
cd ~/gnu/exiv2
svn checkout svn://
cd trunk
# Build exiv2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake # if you are using clang, then do: CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..
make # -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for debugging
sudo make install
# Building tests.
** Optional: Some tests depend on exifprobe and will be skipped when not available. If you wish to install exifprobe:
cd ~/gnu
sudo yum install -y git
git clone
cd exifprobe
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1
sudo make install
** To execute tests:
cd ~/gnu/exiv2/trunk/build
make tests
** Running other "test suites":