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Nehal J Wani, 14 Aug 2014 01:20

Building on Fedora using Cmake

  • This has been tested on Fedora20 64bit minimal install.
  • Last revision on which this method was tested: r3288
  • This wiki page assumes that installation prefix is /usr/local and your bulidir is ~/gnu
  1. Install some of the basic utilities
    sudo yum install -y subversion make cmake autoconf gcc-c++ yum-utils pkgconfig
  2. Install all the dependencies for building exiv2. (Since exiv2 is already available in the Fedora repositories, this python script makes things easy and is provided by the package yum-utils)
    sudo yum-builddep -y exiv2
  3. Fetch the source code:
    mkdir -p ~/gnu/exiv2
    cd ~/gnu/exiv2
    svn checkout svn://
    cd trunk
  4. Start building exiv2
    mkdir build
    cd buld
    cmake ..
  5. Building samples
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
    make samples
  6. Building tests.
    • Optional: Since exifprobe is not available in standard fedora repositories, some tests will get skipped. If you don't want that:
      cd ~/gnu
      sudo yum install -y git
      git clone
      cd exifprobe
      sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1
      sudo make install
    • Running tests requires one additional package:
      sudo yum install -y dos2unix
    • Finally:
      cd ~/gnu/exiv2/trunk
      make tests

Updated by Nehal J Wani over 7 years ago · 1 revisions