Bug #515
exiv2 0.14 installs msg catalog as exiv2.mo instead of exiv2-<so_major>.mo
Hi Andreas, Gilles,
I'm currently pkging exiv2 0.14 for debian and kubuntu.
I've noticed that
- the msg catalogs are installed as exiv2.mo.
* from grep'ing the sources that the libexiv2 uses types.cpp, that binds the
message catalog
Libraries with different soname major num should be all installable
If a library uses a message catalog without major num, then each pkg
would include the same files --> all lib pkgs conflict with each other
and only one can be installed ==> bug
I've checked what other libs are doing and found:
allee(0) /usr/share/locale $ ls -1 de/LC_MESSAGES/lib*[0-9].mo
Lot's of lib*.mo don't include the major, but as they are from KDE I think
that's okay.
Some other libs that get it wrong IMHO are:
libgpod, libkipi and maybe others
'Furtunately' for debian/kubuntu we forgot for 0.12 to include the message
catalogs. So there yet no pkg with files exiv2.mo. (me blushes)
Nevertheless, please install with 0.15 or at least when the next API change
that breaks backward compatibilily (soname major will then be 1) the message
catalogs as exiv2-<soname_major>.mo. Or maybe better libexiv2-<soname_major>.mo
P.S. Please add 0.14 to the list of Product Versions of the bug tracker
Updated by Robin Mills over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to New
- Assignee deleted (
Andreas Huggel) - Target version changed from 1.0 to 0.26
This issue has been in the database for 9 years and nobody else has requested progress with this matter. So, unless you engage to persuade me to keep this matter alive, it will be closed on April 30 as "no longer needed/wanted".
Updated by Robin Mills over 5 years ago
- Category changed from build to withdrawn
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Robin Mills
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Estimated time set to 1.00 h