Bug #485
Weird behaviour when Exif comments contain quotes
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I'm trying to add exif comments to a bunch of files and I found some
weird behavior.
Works fine!
exiv2 -M "set Exif.Photo.UserComment This is my comment" file.jpg
Works fine! (quoted my)
exiv2 -M "set Exif.Photo.UserComment This is \"my\" comment" file.jpg
Broken (quoted comment)
exiv2 -M "set Exif.Photo.UserComment This is my \"comment\"" file.jpg
It seems if the FINAL character of the comment is a " character the
parser gets confused. I can "work around" the bug by doing:
Work Around (last char not ")
exiv2 -M "set Exif.Photo.UserComment This is my \"comment\"." file.jpg
Is this normal?