Bug #422
Renaming pictures taken within one second
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There is "bug" on system what renames files names to timestamp of
pictures took time..
When you have SLR Digi like Nikon D100 and you take few picture in one
second.. Program tries to rename those picture to same name..
What it should do (when I bumps to situation where, there is already
file on that name) is ask user if s/he would like to "override,
rename, skip"..
Then there should be also command-line parameter where you can decide
what is your "default" answer to that question.
So if there is file 20050203-140423.jpg then second (default) name
(for file with same timestamp) would be 20050203-140423-1.jpg.. Third
would be 20050203-140423-2.jpg...
(Reported by jussi AT jjussi DOT com)