


Xmp struct types not marked as such

Added by Matthias Baas over 10 years ago


I stumbled across something which I think is a little inconsistency. I was wondering why the exiv2 type of a data item such as Xmp.xmpDM.videoFrameSize (see here) is reported as XmpText even though its real type is "Dimension" (as mentioned in the value type string) which actually is a struct. Shouldn't there also be a type XmpStruct which could be used in such cases? (just like bags or sequences are also reported as XmpBag or XmpSeq). Then at least an application would know that this is an item where it should expect children elements and if it needs to know the exact struct type it could still inspect the value type string. Currently, the value type string and the exiv2 type are sort of conflicting (as a Dimension object is not a string).

- Matthias -