


Function to convert exiv2 GPS coordinates DMS (degrees, minutes, secondes) to DD (decimal degrees)

Added by Paul Mybofy over 3 years ago


Does exist an Exiv2 function to convert Exiv2 GPS coordinates (47/1 37/1 4858/100) into DD (decimal degrees) ?
I need that in Postgis for instance.
Not fund in Exiv2 documentation nor with Internet search.

I can create my own function, but if it exists in Exiv2 I prefer use it.


Replies (4)

RE: Function to convert exiv2 GPS coordinates DMS (degrees, minutes, secondes) to DD (decimal degrees) - Added by Robin Mills over 3 years ago

I've never thought about this. Looking in the code, there's a function Converter::cnvExifGPSCoord() src/convert.cpp that appears to do what you want.

RE: Function to convert exiv2 GPS coordinates DMS (degrees, minutes, secondes) to DD (decimal degrees) - Added by Paul Mybofy over 3 years ago


maxOS 10.13 - Xcode 9.3
exiv2-0.26-trunk.tar.gz -> exiv2-0.26-trunk

./configure : OK
make : OK
sudo make install : OK

make samples : OK

The file convert-test does not use Converter::cnvExifGPSCoord()

The convert.hpp file does nor refer or define to Converter class

I do not know how to use Converter::cnvExifGPSCoord() (the are much dépendencies...)

Help please
