


Commercial license info?

Added by Tim Van almost 4 years ago

In November last year I tried to reach out to Andreas at () regarding information on how to obtain a commercial license for Exiv2.

I never got any response and forgot about it.

Who should I contact regarding this? There doesn't seem to be any clear info on this anywhere I can see.


Replies (3)

RE: Commercial license info? - Added by Robin Mills almost 4 years ago


Regrettably, you cannot reach out to anybody about this. Andreas holds the copyright and the exclusive rights to issue a commercial license. When v0.26 was released (in April 2017), Andreas decided to withdraw offering a Commercial License and asked me to update the web-site appropriately. Andreas had the courtesy in December 2016 to inform me that he was considering this step. He didn't explain his reason or offer another way forward.

Andreas started development of Exiv2 in 2004 and only made modest contributions from about 2012 and later. He has a business to run and a family at home. I think he has other priorities for his time.

There has been a discussion about changing the license to move away from the commercially restricted GPLv2. As we don't have a legal contributor on Team Exiv2, this seems unlikely to happen.

So, the Commercial License is no longer offered and Team Exiv2 are unable to help you with this matter.


RE: Commercial license info? - Added by Tim Van almost 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick response Robin.

That's unfortunate, Exiv2 does really seem like the most robust option I've found so far.


RE: Commercial license info? - Added by Robin Mills almost 4 years ago

Thank you for your generous words about Exiv2.

In the future someone may appear and deal with the commercial licensing issue. As things stand, you must accept GPLv2, or consider an alternative metadata library.
