


Exiv2 v0.27 released on 2018-12-20

Added by Robin Mills over 4 years ago

I'm delighted to say that Exiv2 v0.27 has been released on 2018-12-20.

I have to thank Dan and Luis for their huge contribution to make this release.

Contributors: Ben, Freddy, Gilles, Henri, Michal, Phil, Shridar, Toni and Thomas.
If I've forgotten you, please forgive and remind me to add your name.

The headline features are:

 1) Security fixes
 2) Bug Fixes
 3) Rewritten CMake Support
 4) Conan Support to build dependencies
 5) Adobe XMPsdk 2016 support
 6) New python based test suite
 7) AppVeyor, Travis, CodeCov and GitLabs monitor submissions
 8) Support for MinGW/msys2
 9) Jenkins buildserver operates from GitHub
10) New Documentation: Markdown, ReleaseNotes, Platform/ReadMe.txt and Website

With Exiv2 v0.27, Team Exiv2 will offer "Long Term Support" and plan "dot" releases with security and critical fixes in 2019 and 2020.