


Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short

Added by Sridhar Boovaraghavan over 5 years ago


This Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous value comes out as unsigned short and thus reports a value of 65535 when it should be reporting a -1 because it is a signed short type.

Now, I see that only 0 and 1 are defined values for this type. What does -1 signify? I see that there is a "8" defined as Manual in the exiftool documentation that could possibly be added to this list. I would also make -1 be treated as if it is 0.

I see evidence of this behaviour in exiv2's test files itself. Try exiv2\test\data\exiv2-test.out(Line #2697). See that it reports (65535) whereas it should be a -1.

Where is this going incorrect? I see that the definition of FocusContinuous in canonmn.cpp correctly as signedShort.

p.s. Windows 10 x64 with MSVC 2015 (exhibits the same behavior in x86/x64 builds)

Replies (7)

RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Robin Mills over 5 years ago

You're right. It should be reporting -1. However it has been reporting 65535 since before I joined the project 8 years ago. I don't recall anybody complaining about this. I'm rather reluctant to change this as it may break somebody's script. For sure it will impact our test suite.

I can't say what 65535/-1 means. Exiv2 reports the data it finds in an image. If Canon choose to store 65535, 8, or 911, exiv2 will report it.

RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Sridhar Boovaraghavan over 5 years ago

I think you should change it because it is a signedShort in your documentation (please see and it is being interpreted as an unsignedShort in the code. 65535 is the unsigned short version of -1 (signedShort).

As I said in my original post, exiftool reports -1.

All indications are that this is a bug in exiv2. It not being raised in 8 years possibly just means that no one was interested in that tag till now.

As to what -1 actually means, that's a different question. I was proposing that we interpret -1 to mean Single (i.e. the same as zero).

I also propose that you add the value 8 to count as Manual (following exiftool).


RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Robin Mills over 5 years ago

Please raise an issue on Redmine about this. Somebody might change it for you.

RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Robin Mills over 5 years ago

We've split this matter into two issues. #1202 = 8/Manual #1203 = SShort/Short contradiction.

RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Sridhar Boovaraghavan over 5 years ago

Hi Robin,

Please see my update to

There are other tags such as Exif.CanonCs.ImageStabilization (returns 65535), Exif.CanonCs.SpotMeteringMode (returns 65535), Exif.CanonCs.Sharpness (returns 32767) that are also incorrect.

FocusContinuous is an obscure field, but I need values of ImageStabilization and SpotMeteringMode to be correct - i.e. I intend to use them much more often.

Please update the issue to say that all of these signedShort values are returned as short.


RE: Exif.CanonCs.FocusContinuous comes out as unsigned short - Added by Sridhar Boovaraghavan over 5 years ago

Hi Robin,

Sorry for the multiple updates.

I feel like I have more information now.

When I ask exiftool to report on such images (where I get 65535), those tags are not reported unless you pass along a "-v" switch.

This along with those values not being defined (i.e. there is no interpretation for -1), makes me feel that these are tags that are not "written" and thus contain default values.

This reinforces my earlier suggestion of creating a -1, but interpreting it as a new key that we introduce - say Unknown.

I can confirm (for ImageStabilization at least), the lens in question does not have it (and neither does the camera). So when exiv2 returns -1 for that image for this field, it should be interpreted as Unknown. If you can think of a better name for this, please do suggest.

