


build with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1 ?

Added by Rex Dieter over 5 years ago


A fellow fedora contributor recommended that I build exiv2 with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1 due to XML entity expansion ("billion laughs attack")

Any comment or feedback on doing that by default here upstream?

Secondarily, any possibility of someday using instead of bundling a copy of this library code?

Replies (2)

RE: build with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1 ? - Added by Robin Mills over 5 years ago


Can you please be a little more expansive. What problem is being solved with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1?

We don't have any plan to build with exempi. We'd like to upgrade to the latest Adobe's XMPsdk and use it as an external library #941. Currently, we have a modified copy in our code base of Adobe's XMPsdk from a few years back.

You are of course welcome to join the Exiv2 project to work on our XMP support.

RE: build with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1 ? - Added by Rex Dieter over 5 years ago

More references on Xml entity expansion issue (from googling mostly):

One admittedly brute-force method to avoid the issue to do build this code with -DBanAllEntityUsage=1 (sorry my prior typo)
