


Forum appears to not allow email addresses with - in them

Added by Kenneth Ingham about 7 years ago

My primary domain is However, when I tried to create an account with an email address in that domain, it never sent the email. Changing to a domain without - solved the problem. "-" has been a legal character in domain names since the beginning. I noticed the message that if there were problems with the new system to report them here, so I am.

Kenneth Ingham

Replies (3)

RE: Forum appears to not allow email addresses with - in them - Added by Mr Test about 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, Kenneth. The issue doesn't seem to be the "-" in the domain name though - I have just successfully created a user with an email address in a domain with a "-" and received the account activation email within seconds.

Could it be that your email server (or some system along the way) discarded/rejected the incoming mail as spam? The email-setup on our Redmine installation is brand-new and involved a number of spam related measures within the Amazon cloud which hosts the system. One of them was to get Amazon to configure a reverse DNS record, which they said yesterday may take up to a week to propagate to DNSBL services.

I suggest you wait a few days and try again.


RE: Forum appears to not allow email addresses with - in them - Added by Kenneth Ingham about 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

That might be it, as I am fighting a constant battle with spam. I was able to create an account today, and the only difference on my part was the domain I used for email. However, changes on redmine might have been the real solution and mine was a coincidence.

My real concern is the bug in libexiv2 that is causing digikam to crash 100% of the time on startup (issue 997). It's unusable, and I am a professional photographer who relies on digikam. I'm about to be sent to the dark side and use LightRoom. Nothing else works with image metadata anywhere as well as digikam.


RE: Forum appears to not allow email addresses with - in them - Added by Andreas Huggel about 7 years ago

The explanation may be much simpler: The accounts in the domain were created on 7 and 8 November, when the email setup was not in place yet, so the account confirmation emails were never sent for these accounts. I've deleted two registered and not active accounts with email addresses and . You can try to re-create them now if you like.

I also saw your bug report, thanks. We'll look into this.

